Being in law enforcement lends to some moral dilemmas. Right now I'm tracking a serial arsonist (sounds exciting right?!) and I have to say that I sometimes wonder why I'm expending so much energy on this guy when he's actually helping the area by burning down delapidated houses that are falling in on themselves anyway. While I understand there is a risk to firefighters, homeless people squatting in said buildings, and to neighboring properties I can't really say that it's a horrible crime in the grand scheme of things. When the fire bug is finally caught what are we going to charge him with... Felonious Rehabilitation of the City? Or maybe Criminal Impersonation of a Cleaning Crew? It's wrong, it's a crime, and I know that something needs to be done about it but that little voice in my head asks where the line of right and wrong gets blurred.
Thats the interesting part of my job... the law is the law. For every clear cut case of wrong there is always a blurry confusion of a case that makes you question the law, your own ethics, and society.
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